CPU Interface

This package provides an interface for CPU temperature monitoring.

CPU Interface Node (For development and debugging purpose only)

This ROS Node has been conceived to launch the CPU interface in an isolated way.

CPU Interface Core

It is instantiated in Niryo Robot Hardware Interface package.

It has been made to monitor CPU temperature of the Raspberry Pi and automatically shutdown the Raspberry Pi if it reaches a critical threshold. Two thresholds can be defined via parameters: a warning threshold and a shutdown threshold.

The CPU temperature is read from the Ubuntu system file /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp.

In simulation, the CPU temperature of the computer running the simulation is used, but the threshold are deactivated (no shutdown in case of high temperature).

It belongs to the ROS namespace: /cpu_interface/.


CPU Interface’s Parameters
Name Description
Publishes rate for CPU temperature
Default: ‘0.25’
CPU temperature [celsius] threshold before a warn message
Default: ‘75’
CPU temperature [celsius] threshold before shutdown the robot
Default: ‘85’


Services, Topics and Messages
