Control Ned/Ned2 with Matlab


simulate and use ned with matlab

Difficulty: medium

Time: ~30 min


This tutorial is working from:
The version v4.1.0 of the ned_ros_stack


  • Being able to control and create content with Ned/Ned2 and Matlab


You have to be in this situation to start this tutorial.

Rosinit Setup

Rosinit setup

Otherwise, do this tutorial first.

What you will need


To do this tutorial we used Windows10, Matlab2022a and a Ned2.

Connection between Ned/Ned2 and the computer

First of all, you have to connect the robot with a Wi-Fi communication (not hotspot).
To do so, check our previous tutorial just here.

Get the direct geometry model


The direct geometric model of a robot provides the location of the end-effector in terms of joint coordinates.

In this section you will be able to have a first application of Ned/Ned2 using Matlab. You will learn how to import the rigid body of Ned/Ned2 on Matlab and work on its direct geometric model.

Get the initial configuration of Ned/Ned2 and prepare the matrix

In order to send a command to the robot, you need to know its configuration.
First you just need to add the following lines:
eeoffset = 0
eeBody = robotics.RigidBody("end_effector")
setFixedTransform(eeBody.Joint, trvec2tform([eeoffset,0,0]))
addBody(niryo_one, eeBody, "tool_link");
ik = inverseKinematics("RigidBodyTree", ned);
weight = [0.1 0.1 0 1 1 1];
initialguess = ned.homeConfiguration;
You don’t need to recompile these lines every time.

Now, you have to prepare the matrix you will send to the robot.
pose_M = [0.25 0 0.3];
tform = trvec2tform(pose_M);
configSoln = ik("end_effector", tform, weight, initialguess);
cell = struct2cell(configSoln);
Joint = cell(2,:,:);
matrixJoints = cell2mat(Joint);
Your matrix is ready, you can check the values of joints (0, 0.0786, -0.6605, 0, 0.5819, 0).
You can also compare these values with those in Niryo Studio, they are identical.

You should have these values in Matlab:


Joints values in Matlab

Joints values in NiryoStudio

Joints values in Niryo Studio

Prepare and send a ROS message


If you are using a Ned, before sending the message to the robot, make sure to disable the learning mode in Niryo Studio (you should hear the motors).

Now, you will setup a ROS message, with your matrix previously prepared.

To do that you just have to type this:

%These lines remain commented if you have already initialized ROS, otherwise, make sure you have done the matlab setup tutorial and uncomment the lines.

%ipaddress = "http://IP_OF_NED:11311"; %IP of the Ned
%rosshutdown; %to be sure that an other ROS network is not actually working
%setenv('ROS_MASTER_URI',ipaddress) %IP of the Ned
%setenv('ROS_IP','IP_HOST_COMPUTER') %IP of the computer

NedState = rossubscriber("/niryo_robot_follow_joint_trajectory_controller/state");
NedCmd = rospublisher("/niryo_robot_follow_joint_trajectory_controller/command");
CmdMsg = rosmessage(NedCmd);
CmdPoint = rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint');

for i=1:6
    CmdPoint.Positions(i) = matrixJoints(i);

CmdPoint.Velocities = zeros(1,6);
CmdPoint.Accelerations = zeros(1,6);
CmdPoint.TimeFromStart = ros.msg.Duration(3);
CmdMsg.Header.Stamp = rostime("now") + rosduration(0.05);
CmdMsg.JointNames = {'joint_1', 'joint_2', 'joint_3', 'joint_4', 'joint_5', 'joint_6'};
CmdMsg.Points = CmdPoint;



It is possible that the robot does not move instantly, wait about 15 seconds maximum.


If you are using a Ned2 and the robot don’t move after sending the message, use Niryo Studio to do a movement (by changing the values of joints for exemple) and the relaunch the script.

Go further

You can now control Ned/Ned2 as you want with Matlab.
As an exemple, we made a loop, which makes the robot move permanently, to reproduce some repetitive tasks.
NedState = rossubscriber("/niryo_robot_follow_joint_trajectory_controller/state");
NedCmd = rospublisher("/niryo_robot_follow_joint_trajectory_controller/command");
CmdMsg = rosmessage(NedCmd);
CmdPoint = rosmessage('trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint');


while 1
    pose_M = [0.25 y 0.3];
    tform = trvec2tform(pose_M);
    configSoln = ik("end_effector", tform, weight, initialguess);
    cell = struct2cell(configSoln);
    Joint = cell(2,:,:);
    matrixJoints = cell2mat(Joint);

    for i=1:6
        CmdPoint.Positions(i) = matrixJoints(i);

    CmdPoint.Velocities = zeros(1,6);
    CmdPoint.Accelerations = zeros(1,6);
    CmdPoint.TimeFromStart = ros.msg.Duration(3);
    CmdMsg.Header.Stamp = rostime("now") + rosduration(0.05);
    CmdMsg.JointNames = {'joint_1', 'joint_2', 'joint_3', 'joint_4', 'joint_5', 'joint_6'};
    CmdMsg.Points = CmdPoint;



You can find all the information concerning the use of Ned/Ned2 with Matlab and the ROS Toolbox by following the two tutorials below: