Connect to Ned/Ned2 via SSH


Difficulty: easy

Time: ~10 min


This tutorial is working from:
The version v3.0.0 of the ned_ros_stack
The version v3.0.0 of Niryo Studio

If you are using a Niryo One, please refer to this tutorial.

You can connect to Ned/Ned2’s Raspberry Pi 4 via an SSH connection to get access to all the code running on Ned/Ned2.

Find the Raspberry Pi 4 IP address

If you are running the official Ned/Ned2’s RPi image (you can download it here), the Raspberry Pi 4 will automatically try (on boot) to connect to a previous saved WiFi network. If it does not succeed, it will switch to hotspot mode and create its own WiFi network (starting with “NiryoRobot” and some hardware identifier). There is also a static IP address already set up if you want to plug an ethernet cable.


  • If the robot is in “hotspot mode”, the IP address is (static IP),

  • If you have a direct Ethernet connection, the IP address is (static IP),

  • If the robot is connected to a WiFi network, you can find its IP by clicking on the “Search for robots in network” button on Niryo Studio. On Linux, you can also use the nmap client to find hosts in your network.

If you can’t manage to find the IP, or if you disabled Ned/Ned2’s ROS stack on the Raspberry Pi 4, the ultimate solution to find the IP is to plug a mouse, a keyboard, and a screen with an HDMI cable. Once you see the desktop, open a new terminal and type:

hostname -I

Connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via SSH

There is already a configured and working SSH server on the Raspberry Pi 4 (Ubuntu OS). For this step, you’ll need to know the Raspberry Pi 4 IP address.

On Linux, open a terminal and type:

ssh niryo@<ip_address>

When asked for a password, type “robotics”, which is the default password. You can change it if you want.

On Windows, you need to download a SSH client (eg. PuTTY) to connect to the Raspberry Pi with SSH. (username: “niryo”, password: “robotics”)

You are now connected to the Raspberry Pi 4.

Start and stop the robot’s program

When the Raspberry Pi 4 boots (Ned/Ned2 RPi image), it will automatically start the program for the robot. This program is started in background. To stop it, use the following command in the ned’s terminal:

sudo service niryo_robot_ros stop

To start it, you can either:

  • Start the program in the current ned terminal (you’ll have to press CTRL+C to stop it):

    roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup niryo_ned_robot.launch
  • Or start the program in background:

    sudo service niryo_robot_ros start

This can be very useful when you want to debug the robot. When you start the execution in the current terminal you will see all the logs so you can copy and paste them to our support if you have any trouble.