
Concept Explanation Example
If/Else If/Else block If the first value is true, then does the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, does the second block of statements. If none is true, does the the last block of statements. ../_images/if-else.png
Mathematical comparison operator block Compares two values with an operator [=, , <, , >, ]. Returns true if the comparison is true. ../_images/mathematical-comparison.png
Logical comparision operator block Compares two values with an operator [and / or]. Returns true if the comparison is true. ../_images/logical-comparison.png
Not block Returns true if the input is false, and false if the input is true. ../_images/not.png
True/False block Returns either true or false. ../_images/true.png
Null block Returns null. ../_images/null.png
Test block Checks the condition in test block statement.
If the condition is true, returns the value of the ‘if true’ value.
Otherwise, returns the ‘if false’ value.
Try/Except block On the “Try” statement you can ask Ned to try to execute any type of action a certain amount of time You can then choose if Ned should CONTINUE or STOP in case he is “On failure”. If not Ned will execute the next block. ../_images/try-except.png


Concept Explanation Example
Time loop block Does one or several statements multiple times. ../_images/time-loop.png
While loop block While a value is true, then do some statements. ../_images/while-loop.png
For loop block Executes a loop based on a variable, from a starting number to an ending number with a specified interval, and executes the specified blocks. ../_images/for-loop.png
For each item in list loop block For each item in a list, sets the variable “v” to the item, and then does some statements. ../_images/foreach-loop.png
Break block Breaks out of the containing loop. Must be in a loop block. ../_images/breakout-loop.png


Concept Explanation Example
Set number block Sets a value. ../_images/set-number.png
Mathematical operation block Returns the value of the specified operation with two numbers.
[+, -, x, ÷, ^].
Check operation block Checks if a number is even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative or divisible. ../_images/check-operation.png
Round block Rounds a number up or down. ../_images/round.png
Mathematical list operations block Returns the mathematical operation value of all number in the list
[sum, min, max, average, median, modes, standard deviation, random item].
Division remainder block Returns the remainder from the division of two numbers. ../_images/remainder.png
Constrain number block Constrains a number to be between the specified limits (inclusive). ../_images/constrain.png
Random integer block Returns a random integer between the two specified limits (inclusive). ../_images/random.png


Concept Explanation Example
Create list block Creates an empty list. ../_images/create-list.png
Create list with items block Creates a list with a specified number of items. ../_images/create-list-with.png
Create list with one item block Creates a list consisting of the given value
repeated the specified number of times.
List length block Returns the length of a list. ../_images/length.png
Is list empty block Returns true if the list is empty. ../_images/empty.png
Item index finder block Returns the index of the first or the last occurrence of the item in the list. Returns 0 if the item is not found. ../_images/list-index.png
Get item block Returns / returns and removes / removes the item at the specified position in a list. #1 is the first item. ../_images/list-find.png
Set item index block Sets / inserts at the item at the specified position in a list.
#1 is the first item.
Copy list-portion block Creates a copy of the specified portion of a list. ../_images/list-portion.png
Sort list block Sorts numeric / alphabetic / alphabetic ignore case by ascending / descending a copy of a list. ../_images/list-sort.png


Concept Explanation Example
Create variable block Creates a variable by its name. ../_images/create-variable.png
Set variable block Sets this variable to be equal to the input. ../_images/set-variable.png
Change variable block Changes this variable by the input. ../_images/change-variable.png
Get variable block Returns the variable. ../_images/get-variable.png


Concept Explanation Example
Create no output function block Creates a function with no ouput. You can add input arguments. ../_images/no-output-function.png
Create function with output block Creates a function with an ouput. You can add input arguments. ../_images/output-function.png
Function return block If a value is true, then ends the function and returns the return value.
Must be inside a function.
Call function block Runs the function. ../_images/function.png


Concept Explanation Example
Wait time block Creates a break time in the program. ../_images/wait-time.png
Comment block Adds comments to the code. This block will not be executed. Note: accents are not accepted (é,à,è,…). ../_images/comment.png
Break Point block Stops the execution of the program. Press the “Play” button to resume. ../_images/break-point.png


Concept Explanation Example
Learning mode block Activates / Deactivates the learning mode. ../_images/learning-mode.png
Set arm speed block Sets the arm speed. ../_images/arm-speed.png


Concept Explanation Example
Joints block Creates an object pose according to the robot’s joints values. ../_images/joints.png
Move joints block Moves the robot according to a Joints block. ../_images/move-joints.png
Saved pose block Creates an object pose with pose saved in robot. ../_images/saved-pose.png
Pose block Creates an object pose according to the end effector’s cartesian coordinates. ../_images/pose.png
Move pose block Moves the robot according to a pose block. You can change between “Standard” move (Point to Point), “Linear”, the robot will follow a linear trajectory from its position to the desired position, or “Try linear”, the robot will try to do a “Linear” trajectory, but if it can’t compute the linear trajectory, it will do a “Standard” move. ../_images/move-pose.png
Shift block Shifts the robot pose according to an axe x / y / z / roll / pitch / yaw. You can change between “Standard” move (Point to Point), “Linear”, the robot will follow a linear trajectory from its position to the desired position, or “Try linear”, the robot will try to do a “Linear” trajectory, but if it can’t compute the linear trajectory, it will do a “Standard” move. ../_images/shift_new2.png
Pick from pose block Moves the robot’s TCP (arm’s end point + tool coordinate)
to a specified pose and activates the tool to pick an object.
Place from pose block Moves the robot’s TCP (arm’s end point + tool coordinate)
to a specified pose and deactivates the tool to place an object.
Move Trajectory block The robot will pass through the list of goals with the desired distance smooth. The distance smooth is the radius from the goal where the robot will start to go towards the next point. ../_images/trajectory.png


Concept Explanation Example
Get I/O block Returns the number of the pin. ../_images/get-io.png
Set I/O mode block Sets I/O pin mode to input or output. ../_images/set-io-mode.png
Set output state block Sets output pin state to high or low. ../_images/set-io-state.png
Get input state block Returns the input pin state. ../_images/get-io-state.png
State block Returns the state value high or low. ../_images/io-state.png
Set Switch state block Sets the 12V switch state to high or low. ../_images/set-switch-state.png

I/O for Ned2

Concept Explanation Example
Get Analog I/O block Returns the analog pin. ../_images/get-analog-io-block.png
Get Digital I/O block Returns the digital pin. ../_images/get-digital-io-block.png
Get Analog I/O value Returns the value of the analog pin selected. ../_images/get-analog-io-value.png
Get Digital I/O value Returns the value of the digital pin selected. ../_images/get-digital-io-value.png
Set Analog I/O value Sets the value of the analog pin selected. ../_images/set-analog-io-value.png
Set Digital I/O value Sets the value of the digital pin selected. ../_images/set-digital-io-value.png
End effector type of button press Detects end effector type of button press. ../_images/end-effector-press-button.png
End effector button is pressed. Detects end effector button is pressed. ../_images/end-effector-button-is-pressed.png
End effector custom button is pressed with timeout. Detects end effector custom button is pressed and set timeout. ../_images/end-effector-custom-button-press.png
End effector action button is pressed with timeout. Detects end effector action button is pressed and set timeout. ../_images/end-effector-action-button-press.png
End effector waiting for press button. Waits forbutton press. ../_images/end-effector-waiting-for.png


Concept Explanation Example
Scan tool block Scans and updates current tool. ../_images/scan-tool.png
Grasp block Activates the gripper / vacuum. ../_images/grasp.png
Release block Deactivates the gripper / vacuum. ../_images/release.png
Open gripper block Opens the gripper at a certain speed. ../_images/open-gripper.png
Close gripper block Closes the gripper at a certain speed. ../_images/close-gripper.png
Pull air block Pulls the air in the vacuum pump. ../_images/pull-vacuum.png
Push air block Pushes the air in the vacuum pump. ../_images/push-vacuum.png
Setup electromagnet block Selects on which pin the electromagnet is connected. ../_images/setup-electromagnet.png
Activate electromagnet block Activates the electromagnet power. ../_images/activate-electromagnet.png
Deactivate electromagnet block Deactivates the electromagnet power. ../_images/deactivate-electromagnet.png
Activate / Deactivate TCP block Activates or deactives the TCP. ../_images/activate-tcp.png
Set TCP block Sets TCP frame ../_images/set-tcp.png

Sound (only for Ned2)

Concept Explanation Example
Set sound volume Sets robot sound volume. ../_images/set-sound-volume.png
Play sound Plays sound selected to the robot. Possibility of blocking the execution of the program with the “Blocking” parameter. ../_images/play-sound.png
Play partial sound Plays sound selected to the robot frm X secondes to X secondes. Possibility of blocking the execution of the program with the “Blocking” parameter. ../_images/play-partial-sound.png
Stop sound Stops current sound. ../_images/stop-sound.png

Ligth (only for Ned2)

Concept Explanation Example
Set color Sets color with RGB parameters or color panel. ../_images/set-color.png
None No color display in led ring. ../_images/led-ring-none.png
Solid Led ring solid animation, set the whole Led Ring to a fixed color. If wait is True, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-solid.png
Chase Led ring chase animation, movie theater light style chaser animation. If wait is True and iterations not null, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-chase.png
Flashing Led ring flashing animation, flashes a color according to a frequency. If wait is True and iterations not null, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-flashing.png
Wipe Led ring wipe animation, wipe a color across the Led Ring, light a Led at a time. If wait is True, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-wipe.png
Rainbow Led ring rainbow animation, draw rainbow that fades across all Leds at once. If wait is True and iterations not null, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-rainbow.png
Rainbow cycle Led ring rainbow cycle animation, draw rainbow that uniformly distributes itself across all Leds. If wait is True and iterations not null, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-rainbow-cycle.png
Rainbow chase Led ring rainbow chase animation, like the chase animation. If wait is True and iterations not null, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-rainbow-chase.png
Go up Led ring go up animation, Leds turn on like a loading circle, and are then all turned off at once. If wait is True and iterations not null, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-go-up.png
Go down Led ring go down animation, Leds turn on like a loading circle, and are turned off the same way. If wait is True and iterations not null, the blocks wait for the animation to finish. ../_images/led-ring-go-down.png
Set individual led Choise led id and color displayed ../_images/led-ring-set-led-id.png


The Vision blocks and Vision templates are detailed in the Vision Set Documentation.

Conveyor blocks

The Conveyor blocks are detailed in the Conveyor Belt documentation.