
The library uses Python, which must be installed and available in your working environment
The version should be equal or above :
  • 2.7 if you are using Python 2

  • 3.6 if you are using Python 3


To check your Python version, use the command python --version if you are using Python 2 and python3 --version if you are using Python3

The below sections explain how to install the library with pip, the package installer for Python


If you have both Python 2 & Python 3 installed on your computer, the command pip will install packages in Python 2 version. You should use pip3 instead in order to to target Python 3

Installation with pip

You need to have installed Numpy package beforehand :

pip install numpy

To install Ned’s Python package via pip, simply execute:

pip install pyniryo2

You can find more information about the PyPi package here


To uninstall the library use

pip uninstall pyniryo2